Friday, December 14, 2007

Learning to Deal

So I thought I'd try this blog thing again. Why, you ask? Maybe because in light of recent catastrophes, it might be good to get things off my chest. It might be healthy even.

What's odd is that I personally don't feel really bad about it. Sure, it sucks. I'm still oddly happy about my life. I haven't always been, so that in itself is a great achievement.

I have great friends. Despite the "busy" workload, I still manage to watch my TV shows. My other grades last semester turned out surprisingly good. My photography thang is going great and I feel like I've been improving by leaps and bounds. My relationship with my parents is better than ever. So, aside from the fact that I failed evidence and that my external hard drive broke down (and took all my photos along with it), I don't really see anything to be sad about.

And when do I feel sad, I just give myself a couple of hours to cry it out. Give myself a crying deadline and then stop when my time is up. Then I hug my beloved stuffed penguin Penguini fiercely and think, "No matter what happens, come tears or defeat, things can't be so bad because my Penguini still loves me." Hehehe, pathetic, I know but it helps me get through it.

I'm really proud of myself. A little over a year ago, an event such as this would have sent me into a decline. I would have been depressed for days, even weeks. I would have used it as an excuse to cut school so I could stay at home and sulk. But now, I'm dealing with it. I stop feeling sorry for myself because I realize there are other things that i need to do. I don't climb into myself and stay there for weeks on end.

Awww, I think I'm finally growing up. Finally. Despite the fixation with stuffed animals.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Awww, I think I'm finally growing up.

Ditto. It's a great feeling, isn't it? :)